Treat High Cholesterol

fried food

It’s no secret that maintaining a healthy weight can be difficult. It’s especially hard if you have high cholesterol or other health conditions. This blog post will highlight some of the major concerns people with high cholesterol often have.  We will discuss how to treat high cholesterol naturally and give you tips so that you … Read more

How Your Metabolic Type Affects Weight Loss

weight loss

Weight Loss – Major issue! Did you know that your metabolic type affects weight loss? We all have that one friend who can eat anything, but never gains weight. How cool does that sound? They can eat anything right in front of you.   They eat all the naughty foods: pastries, margaritas, pizza etc…AND they go … Read more

7 Natural and Safe Vitamins that Help with Weight Loss

You have been struggling with your weight for what seems like forever. You try to eat healthy, exercise regularly and still can’t seem to shed the pounds. It’s time you take a look at your vitamin intake! Vitamins that are good for weight loss may sound too good to be true, but they’re not. The … Read more

Top Smoothie Ingredients for Weight Loss

One of the most common questions I get asked is “what are some good ingredients to put in a smoothie for weight loss?” It’s easy to see why this is one of the most popular questions since smoothies can be incredibly filling which can make it easier for weight loss. I’ve compiled a list of … Read more

Beginner’s Guide to Different Types of Diet

If you have been trying to lose weight, there are many weight-loss diets out there. Some focus on reducing your appetite, while others restrict unnecessary calories, carbs, or fat. Since many of them claim to be the best, it can be hard to know which ones are really worthwhile and which not. Keep reading because … Read more

Noom Diet vs Weight Watchers Diet

Noom and WW are quite different. They both have different strengths and weaknesses. People can use these programs in different ways to achieve a successful change in overall health. But before moving ahead, let’s discuss in detail the Noom Diet vs Weight Watchers Diet.  Noom Diet vs Weight Watchers Diet:  What is Weight Watchers?  WW … Read more

Can You Lose Weight Doing Yoga?

Yoga practice encourages physical, emotional, and moral growth to build the best image of oneself. A popular question often asked is Can you lose weight doing yoga?  Most researchers believe that yoga works differently to promote a healthier weight. Let’s look at each of those forms. Yoga and consciousness Yoga’s emotional and metaphysical elements work … Read more