Top Smoothie Ingredients for Weight Loss

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One of the most common questions I get asked is “what are some good ingredients to put in a smoothie for weight loss?” It’s easy to see why this is one of the most popular questions since smoothies can be incredibly filling which can make it easier for weight loss. I’ve compiled a list of the top ingredients you can use in your smoothies  for weight loss below.

What you will learn

Top Smoothie Ingredients for Weight Loss

Protein powder

This one is pretty self-explanatory, as it gives the body protein which helps with muscle growth and repair. You could also try using vegan proteins like brown rice or hemp protein powders. Make sure you read the labels before purchasing the powder to ensure you’re getting the right one.

Ground flax seeds or chia seeds

Adding these to your shake will give it a boost of fiber and omega fatty acids that are healthy for weight loss, as well as protein! You can purchase these seeds at any grocery store or in bulk at a bulk barn.


This adds a nice flavor and can help with blood sugar levels. It also aids in digestion, meaning you won’t be as bloated after your shake is done! You’ll need to add it at the end of cooking or mixing because it will lose its effectiveness if added too early.

Leafy greens

Leafy greens like spinach or kale are excellent to add to your shake because they are full of protein, vitamins, and minerals. Not only will this make your shake taste better than it would without them, but you’ll be getting a whole bunch more benefits!


Adding yogurt to a fruit smoothie is an excellent choice for people who want something creamy in their drink. The best type of yogurt to add is Greek yogurt because it has more protein than regular or reduced-fat kinds.

Frozen fruit

Adding frozen bananas and other fruits to your shake will make it creamy without adding any unnecessary sugars! They also provide a fun way for kids to get their daily intake of nutrients when added in moderation. Use fresh fruit rather than fruit from a can because they have more flavor and are way healthier than canned fruits.


Adding some cucumber to a smoothie can be beneficial to your health. It is a great source of Vitamin B, which helps boost your immune system.

Romaine Lettuce

Adding lettuce to your smoothie has many health benefits. The best option would be romaine because it contains the fewest calories and more fiber than other types of lettuce. The flavor will also compliment some ingredients like cucumber.


Throwing some celery into the blender is a great way to add some weight loss benefits. The high levels of fiber in celery help your body to make you feel fuller for longer so that you will eat less throughout the day.

Lemon juice or lime juice

Adding some lemon or lime to your smoothie will help with the absorption of the iron in spinach. This will also help you to stay energized for longer periods.  It will also give you a boost of vitamin C.

Almond milk or coconut water

Almond milk or coconut water is the best choice for the liquid base of your smoothie. It provides your body with protein and calcium without adding extra calories from other sources like cow’s milk or soy milk; try almond milk for a vegan option!

There you have it. The best ingredients to include in your protein smoothie recipes for weight loss.

Blend away!