How Your Metabolic Type Affects Weight Loss

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Weight Loss – Major issue! Did you know that your metabolic type affects weight loss? We all have that one friend who can eat anything, but never gains weight. How cool does that sound? They can eat anything right in front of you.   They eat all the naughty foods: pastries, margaritas, pizza etc…AND they go for seconds (or even thirds!) at the buffet.  They eat all that and still look amazing in their bikini come swimsuit season.

And then there are people like me (and maybe you, too), who eat one potato chip and have to spend a week at the gym working it off.

It turns out that your body type—also known as your metabolic type—plays a huge role in how your body processes food, and how and where it stores fat.  While you can’t change your metabolic ID, you can learn to make the most of what you’ve got.

What you will learn

Learn how your metabolic type affects weight loss.

weight loss

What is Metabolic ID?

Metabolic ID type was first studied in the 1940s as a way of classifying body size and shape. It has evolved since that time, into a more precise measurement system to help figure out health factors related to your overall body’s composition.

What metabolic types affect weight loss?

It’s main three types are:

  • Ectomorph
  • Mesomorph
  • Endomorph

Generally, you may have heard people blame their weight on a slow metabolism, but what does that mean? Does metabolism really affect your weight? And if so, is it possible to give up your metabolism to burn more calories?

It’s true that metabolism is linked to weight. But contrary to common belief, a slow metabolism is rarely the cause of excess weight gain.

Your metabolism influences your body’s basic energy needs.  It influences how much you eat and drink, how much physical activity you need. In reality, metabolism is the thousands of chemical reactions that turn the energy we eat and drink into the fuel used to energize our bodies. These reactions change in response to our environments and behaviors, and in ways we have little control over.

Several factors determine your individual basic metabolism:

Your body size and composition does matter a lot! People who are usually larger in size or have more muscle burn more calories. It’s true that men usually have less body fat and more muscle than  women of the same age and weight. This means men burn more calories compared to women.

Your age does play a vital role! As you get older, the amount of muscle tends to decrease, and fat increases. This leads to easier weight gain,  and slower calorie burning. You can alter these factors by eating healthy and keeping up fitness levels.

Wrapping Up

Unfortunately, weight gain is a complicated process which may include things such as genetic makeup, hormonal controls, and diet composition. The impact of metabolism on your lifestyle is determined by things such as sleep, physical activity and stress. All of these factors result in an imbalance in the body’s energy.