How Can You Improve Your Immune System?

Everyone ultimately wants good health. How can you improve your immune system? On the whole, your immune system does a variety of jobs for your system to function. Is it that difficult to boost your immune system? The answer is no, read these tips and you can easily do it. What if you improve your … Read more

Calorie Counting to Lose Weight

Calorie counting is one of the most popular dieting methods out there. But how do you know if you’re doing it right? In this blog post, we will discuss all about calorie counting to lose weight. Calorie counting should be a jump start to reach your desired weight.  Once you achieve a healthy weight, start … Read more

How to Boost your Metabolism Naturally

Measuring waistline

Are you struggling to lose weight? Do you feel like your metabolism is slowing down with age? If so, don’t worry. There are many ways that you can naturally boost your metabolism and get back on track with your diet. Let’s talk about some ways you can boost your metabolism naturally. No pills and zero … Read more

Benefits of Wine for Health

Red Wine

We are often told by society that drinking wine is a bad thing. We’re constantly reminded of the negative consequences, but what about the positives? Drinking wine can be beneficial to your health and has been proven to provide many health benefits.  Read on to see the true benefits of wine for health. Are there … Read more

What are the benefits of dark chocolate?

Like many of you, I love chocolate. It’s a rare day that passes without me indulging in some dark chocolate. The problem is, most people don’t realize the benefits of eating dark chocolate.  Most people only eat milk or white chocolate, which unfortunately does not have as much to offer! Dark Chocolate vs. Milk Chocolate … Read more

How Your Metabolic Type Affects Weight Loss

weight loss

Weight Loss – Major issue! Did you know that your metabolic type affects weight loss? We all have that one friend who can eat anything, but never gains weight. How cool does that sound? They can eat anything right in front of you.   They eat all the naughty foods: pastries, margaritas, pizza etc…AND they go … Read more

7 Natural and Safe Vitamins that Help with Weight Loss

You have been struggling with your weight for what seems like forever. You try to eat healthy, exercise regularly and still can’t seem to shed the pounds. It’s time you take a look at your vitamin intake! Vitamins that are good for weight loss may sound too good to be true, but they’re not. The … Read more

Top Smoothie Ingredients for Weight Loss

One of the most common questions I get asked is “what are some good ingredients to put in a smoothie for weight loss?” It’s easy to see why this is one of the most popular questions since smoothies can be incredibly filling which can make it easier for weight loss. I’ve compiled a list of … Read more

How To Maintain a Balanced Diet

The average person is a victim of the food industry. They are constantly bombarded with advertisements for high calorie, low nutrient foods that cause weight gain and health issues. It’s no wonder why obesity rates have quadrupled in the last few decades! Are you looking for how to maintain a balanced diet? Here is a … Read more