21 Day Healthy Eating Plan

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The 21 Day Healthy Eating Plan is a complete eating guide to help you lose weight. The plan includes detailed instructions on how to eat healthy, and what foods should be avoided.

We will also provide you with some recipes for healthy and delicious meals. To make it easy, we’ve included a shopping list at the end to help guide your grocery purchases as well! The best part of the 21 Day Healthy Eating Plan is that if these steps are followed correctly – weight loss can be achieved in just 21 days- without spending hours at fitness centers or breaking your budget.

The 21 Day recipes provide for healthy, delicious meals so that this plan can fit any lifestyle – from working full-time parents with busy schedules to full-time students or stay-at-home moms who just don’t have time in their day.

What you will learn

Let’s start with the complete eating plan now!

– You’ll eat three meals per day – breakfast, lunch, and dinner and ensure to have various light snacks. Snacking is a great way to lose weight because it helps curb appetite and keeps you energized.

21 Day Healthy Eating Plan:


Breakfast is the meal of choice for many people because it’s a time when they can eat foods that are high in carbohydrates like cereal or toast.  This starts their day off with energy as well drinks such as coffee which contains caffeine – this will increase your alertness during work hours! Recipes for a healthy breakfast include the following :

– oatmeal with almond milk, raisins, and cinnamon. Add a pinch of brown sugar for extra sweetness if you are craving this! It also contains fiber to help keep your stomach full until lunchtime; plus it’ll give you energy that will last the morning long without any crashes or cravings –

Great options for mid-morning healthy snacks include raw fruits like bananas, apples or oranges. These are good for your body because they’re full of fiber, which slows down digestion, making you feel fuller longer.


Lunch is the meal where people often make unhealthy food choices such as sandwiches that contain processed meats like ham and turkey since it’s cheap; these foods have a lot more calories than leaner options, as well. Better choices for lunch are homemade wraps, salads, or a hearty soups.

For those following the Paleo diet, lunch is usually meat with vegetables or salad; you might want to consider lightening up your protein by adding some grilled shrimp! This will provide just as much of that satisfying flavor without all of the heavy calories. It’s always good for weight loss plans and can be served cold on top off salads. Preparing lunches ahead of time is a great idea for busy individuals.

The lunch meal is the most important for weight loss because it’s right in between breakfast and dinner, so you need to make sure your choices are good ones! The best lunches include protein with vegetables like grilled chicken or salmon over salad greens; this helps keep blood sugar levels constant since carbs from breads can cause a spike in calories.

And here are some great, healthy smoothies you can make for breakfast or in-between meals! If it’s a meal replacement and not just an on-the-go snack there should be three servings of fruit with protein powder mixed into coconut water. This provides sustained energy without having to worry about sugar highs from whatever else is added.

-Watermelon, pineapple, and banana smoothie: Mix water with a scoop of protein powder. Blend together the fruits in one cup each until there are no chunks or lumps left! –

Blueberry shake mix (with yogurt): Add three cups of fresh blueberries to two scoops of vanilla whey isolate for an excellent source of antioxidant boosting nutrients.https://www.amazon.ca/Vega-Protein-Powder-Servings-Packaging/dp/B00CORJV6G/ref=sr_1_4_sspa?crid=37HEHD3FAZUNY&dchild=1&keywords=protein+powder&qid=1619312480&rdc=1&sprefix=protie%2Caps%2C187&sr=8-4-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExR1JXRlJVUTAzUTI1JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNzg3MzMwMUc0T0hMVlNKRUk1TiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNzg4NDExU1lDOUFSM0cxTFgxJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==


Dinner ideas that can assist in losing weight rather quickly include :

-Sautéed or grilled chicken breast with noodles and a side of fresh fruit

-Grilled salmon topped off by broccoli, carrots & green beans tossed in olive oil. Add salt to taste! This provides protein that will build muscle as well as maintain the metabolic rate which has been shown through other studies not only helps you lose weight but provides the body with essential nutrients and protein. Try to avoid heavy sauces, butter and oils.

-Grilled chicken with julienned vegetables tossed in a low-fat sesame dressing (soy sauce-based).

A few other healthy dinner options that kids enjoy as well are:

  • Grilled chicken with a side of whole wheat pasta and mixed vegetables tossed in olive oil.
  • A healthy alternative to fast food is ordering pizza made on Ezekiel crust, which contains no gluten or refined sugars so it’s better for your gut flora as well!
  • Cook side dishes like rice and sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes or white rice.
  • Rice Pilaf using Quinoa as an alternative which is gluten-free, but also high in protein!


Many people have a bad habit of eating late-night snacks because they are bored, which is not a good idea!

-The best late night snack to have at home in your kitchen pantry or fridge would be:

-A handful of frozen grapes. These will satisfy any sweet tooth craving and give you some antioxidants as well without too many calories.

-Another great snack idea that has low calories is a handful of baby carrots with some hummus.

Even if you are really hungry and need to eat, try not eating any processed food products like potato chips or pretzels -these salty snacks tend to have a lot more calories than fruit!


Some people who want to lose weight in a short time go on very strict diets, which can be frustrating and difficult on the body.

The truth is: you don’t need to go on a diet or starve yourself in order for your body and mind to function well. If this sentence resonates with how YOU feel, then it might be time to consider the 21 Day Healthy Eating Plan to see what kind of results you get.

Here is a grocery list to help you conquer your goal of losing weight in 21 days:

  • A bag or two (or three!) of apples, bananas and oranges for snacking. Keep these on your desk to remind you not eat anything else! You can also use them as a great healthy dessert.
  • other great fruits are blueberries, raspberries and pineapple.
  • carrots and celery for snacking
  • Low-fat dairy: yogurt or cheese (if you can’t find the low-fat version of your favorites) if not use a substitute. The goal is to go as close in flavor without exceeding 100 calories per serving– that’s typically one cup of skim milk.
  • any vegetable is good for your grocery cart because it’s the most satiating food out there.
  • pasta, brown rice, and quinoa for carbs
  • buy dried beans to make your own hummus or falafel– this way you know what is in it! Buy a bean like lentils (the cheapest), black-eyed peas, pinto, etc., they’re all great options too.
  • the best grains for your grocery list are whole wheat bread, brown rice, grainy wraps and quinoa
  • beans (pinto or black) for protein. You can also consider soy products like tofu to substitute meat in your diet, but be careful with the amount of sodium present! Ideally you should eat about 15g a day which is equivalent if not less than two ounces per meal the best kind of pasta for weight loss should be rice pasta or whole wheat pasta
  • -avoid sugary drinks and opt for water, unsweetened tea or coffee with skim milk instead. Try the following calorie-free substitutes: black iced brewed coffees like chicory root; sugarless ice teas (they contain about 40% fewer calories than regular ones) such as raspberry leaf– read labels.
  • sweet potatoes are a better option than white potatoes because they’re lower in calories.
  • try to avoid added oils and keep your intake of saturated fats low (less than 25g a day) by eating more fish, poultry or lean cuts like flank steak instead
  • buy yogurts that have lesser fruit and sugar added to them as these will contain more fat and protein
  • keep your intake of natural fats like avocado, almonds or olives to a minimum (less than 25g per day) as these are much higher in calories. You can use them sparingly for flavoring dips but try not eating too much at one time.

Good luck and remember to never give up!

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