How to Boost your Metabolism Naturally

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Are you struggling to lose weight? Do you feel like your metabolism is slowing down with age? If so, don’t worry. There are many ways that you can naturally boost your metabolism and get back on track with your diet.

Let’s talk about some ways you can boost your metabolism naturally. No pills and zero chemicals entering your body.

Scale and measuring tape

What you will learn

Boost your metabolism naturally by doing these things:

Eat a healthy breakfast

Many people skip breakfast all together. This can cause your body to enter a depressed state that causes it to store fat instead of burning it.

Eat breakfast for at least five days out of the week and see what happens in as little as two weeks!

Give yourself ample time after waking up, go with something light like oatmeal or eggs. Oatmeal is a great natural option that will give you energy for the day ahead without spiking your insulin levels like other sugary breakfast options can do.

Breakfast ideas that can help your metabolism include fruit like bananas, whole-grain cereal and lower fat yogurt.

Drink plenty of water

Drinking water before a meal can help you manage your weight.

When you drink plenty of water, it will fill you up and keep you from overeating or making bad food choices. Drinking lots of fluids also helps to cleanse the body by flushing out toxins. Add some lemon to your water for an extra boost.

Drink alcohol or caffeine in moderation

The occasional alcoholic beverage is fine, but drinking too much alcohol can sabotage your weight loss efforts and make you more prone to insulin resistance. Caffeine has the same effect on your body, as excessive alcohol consumption does in terms of spiking blood sugar levels and increasing fat storage rates. So moderation is key!

Exercise regularly

Exercising regularly or at least three times per week  will help to boost your metabolism and give you more energy. If possible, try to exercise outdoors on sunny days because the sun’s rays can also have a positive effect on boosting your body’s natural ability to burn fat.  Something as little as a walk around the block each day will make a difference.

Limit sugar intake

Sugar not only spikes blood sugar levels but has been proven over time to promote significant weight gain. It can be very addictive and is everywhere in processed food. Try to limit your sugar intake as much as possible, but if it’s a must for you then try and make sure the ingredients are natural (e.g., organic cane or raw honey).

Increase your protein intake

Eating more high-quality, lean proteins can help you to maintain muscle mass while losing weight and also boost metabolism rates. Protein, in the form of fish, is a good source for this nutrient, because it contains healthy omega-fats.

Get enough sleep

Adults should get at least seven hours of sleep each night. Lack of adequate sleep can slow down metabolism, make you more susceptible to illness, and lead to weight gain. Some studies have shown that getting just under six hours of sleep per night can lower your metabolism by 15%. Check out our blog on sleep.

Apple Cider Vinegar

There is research showing that drinking apple cider vinegar before a meal can help with appetite suppression and fat burning. It can assist with boosting your metabolism by helping to balance your body’s pH levels. Mixing one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of filtered water can be an easy way to do first thing in the morning or before meals.


You don’t need to use crazy metabolism boosting drugs or eat a strict diet to get the metabolism you want. There are plenty of natural ways that work just as well, and in some cases even better. Making subtle changes to your lifestyle can make a huge difference over time.