Benefits of Wine for Health

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We are often told by society that drinking wine is a bad thing. We’re constantly reminded of the negative consequences, but what about the positives? Drinking wine can be beneficial to your health and has been proven to provide many health benefits.  Read on to see the true benefits of wine for health.

What you will learn

Are there benefits of wine for health?

When I did some research into the blue zones of the world, I quickly noticed some interesting finds. If you haven’t read my blog about the blue zones… you should.

The blue zones are geographical areas that have an unusually high ratio of people living to over 100 years old. They’re also home to some of the longest-living people on earth: Sardinia is a perfect example with its population’s average life expectancy being 83 and 4% of them living past 100.

In these regions, there’s an abundance of red wine drinkers who consume two glasses each day – one at lunchtime and another at dinner time.

These findings are incredible. It shows that wine really does help you live longer.

Are there other benefits of wine though?

Below I will discuss some more health benefits of wine on our bodies…

Rich results when searching for 'benefits of wine'

Benefits of Wine for Health

Longer life:

Studies have shown that those who drink wine in moderation (e.g., no more than one glass per day) are 40% less likely to die over a given period of time, and the risk is reduced even further if your alcohol consumption includes red wine specifically.

Heart health:

Red wine can help improve blood flow which reduces inflammation. It is very good for your circulation and it can help reduce the risk of heart disease. It helps your heart because red wine is rich in antioxidants.

Protection against dementia:

Another study found that those who drank wine had a lower incidence of both Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia than non-drinkers or teetotalers. The main constituent thought to be responsible for this cognitive protection are flavonoids which act as antioxidants in our bodies.

Weight Loss:

Wine can help you lose weight? What!? Apparently…Studies have shown that drinking a glass of wine before dinner with your meal will reduce the amount of food consumed, which in turn will result in an increased loss of weight over time.

Lower Cancer Risk

In a study, it was found that moderate wine drinkers had lower rates of cancers than abstainers. The two main reasons for this is the antioxidant effect and the fact that some wines are fermented with grape skins which contain high levels of cancer-fighting polyphenols like resveratrol.

Boosts Mood:

Wine can improve your mood? Yes. Studies have shown that wine drinkers are less likely to suffer from depression and anxiety, which could be the result of alcohol’s effect on serotonin levels or the social benefits of drinking with friends or family members.

Anti-Aging properties:

How can wine keep you youthful? It contains some inositol, a nutrient that helps with tissue repair and renewal. It is a natural compound found in grapes and red wine specifically.

Inositol not only plays a key role in the aging process, but also helps with repairing old cells. It has been shown to reduce wrinkles, age spots and even reverse graying hair on some people!


Well, there you have it. Larger amounts of alcohol can be detrimental to your health, but moderate drinking doesn’t seem as bad. What do you think?