Motivation for Fitness

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If you are someone who struggles with staying motivated to go to the gym or get out on a run, this blog post is for you! Read below for the 11 tips to help you find motivation for fitness.

What you will learn

11 Tips to Help You Find Motivation For Fitness

Workout buddy

Finding a workout buddy is a great way to make sure you stick to your new workout routine. It is always more motivating when someone else depends on you, so find that friend who will push you to get out of bed and go for a run/walk.!

Don’t Give Up

It’s hard to stay motivated, but don’t give up. Find a type of fitness you enjoy and stick with it! Running may not be for you, but that doesn’t mean Crossfit won’t work. Give things a chance and find what works for your body.

Create goals

After finding what type of fitness suits you best, create some goals to keep yourself motivated. Become more specific about how many days per week you’ll workout.

Make your workouts short and sweet – don’t overdo it

Instead of spending 45 minutes on the treadmill, try 15 minutes. When you’re just starting out it’s easy to overdo because your body isn’t used to working and pushing itself. Remember that exercising is good for your mental health too!

Track Your Progress

Tracking your progress is a great way to keep yourself motivated. It’s easy to get caught up in your workouts and not see the progress you’re making, but seeing it on paper will make you feel so accomplished! You can use an app or journal to track your progress.

Stay Active Outside of the Gym

You don’t always have to be in the gym or on a treadmill! Get outside and enjoy nature while you walk, run, bike ride or even hike with friends. You’ll feel rejuvenated after some time outdoors playing around- plus it’s good for that vitamin D too!

Don’t Put Pressure on Yourself

Just because you don’t want immediate results doesn’t mean there won’t be any. Give it time.

Keep it Fresh

Keep your routine fresh by trying new things and mixing up your workouts.

Reward Yourself!

This might be a little shallow, but sometimes it’s nice to treat yourself after working out and feeling accomplished. It doesn’t have to be anything major – just something you enjoy doing that reflects the work you put in at the gym or on your run.

Set Realistic Goals

It’s very important to set goals that are realistic for you. This will help get you stay motivated and keep you on track to reach your goals!

Create a playlist

Having a playlist that you know will make working out a little more enjoyable is key. It will pump you up and get you through the tough parts of your workout.

Here’s some music for your list:


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The key to staying motivated is finding the motivation that’s right for you. It might be as simple as setting a goal and making it public, or following your favorite athlete on Instagram. Whatever method of self-motivation works for you, make sure that you are taking time each day (or week) to set goals and keep them in mind throughout your workout routine.