A Guide to Different Styles of Yoga

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Yoga has come a long way in the past few decades. Take a look at this article and you’ll see so many different types of yoga. There is a huge variety of yoga styles from ashtanga yoga and kundalini yoga to aerial yoga and acro yoga. You might have even heard about some of the more modern and extraordinary iterations of the ancient practice. People have experienced hip-hop yoga, beer yoga, HIIT yoga, and even naked yoga.  This is a guide to different styles of yoga.

Yoga practice is an ancient technique that has been used for thousands of years. However, it arrived in the late 1800s and firmly took roots within the last few years. Since then, yoga has gone from a practice associated with the body, to one that’s practiced now by millions people out there.

What you will learn

A Guide to Different Styles of Yoga

Different Types of Yoga: How to Choose the Right Kind for You?

When you’re trying to determine which is best for you. Choose any one of the different types of yoga that fits the best for you. Always note that there is no right or wrong one— just one that might suit you should be followed regularly.

For correct form, one can even hire a certified yoga instructor. If you are more of a free spirit, vinyasa or aerial yoga might be fun, especially for you. Find a class for yourself that makes you excited to join it. Many different types of yoga exist and sometimes, it can be difficult to figure out which particular style is right for you? It depends a lot on your yoga practice that  you follow and what not. Most styles of yoga are based on the positions that are to be followed while performing.

Yoga and its benefits

No matter what style of yoga you opt to practice, there is a bounty of perks. In fact, you will likely see improvements in many areas of your health.

Note: By practicing yoga regularly you can:

  • increase your flexibility
  • increase muscle tone and strength
  • improve your circulatory and cardio health
  • helps you sleep better
  • increase your energy levels
  • improve athletic performance
  • reduce injuries
  • detoxify  your organs
  • improve your posture
  • improves anxiety and depression
  • helps with chronic pain
  • release endorphins that improve your mood


yoga pose


Different types of yoga are as follows –

Vinyasa yoga

Vinyasa yoga is a type of hot yoga that combines poses with breath and movement. It has many benefits, but the main goal is to keep the body moving in order to avoid stiffness or injury. Vinyasa means ‘flowing’ or ‘synchronized,’ which symbolizes the flow between postures during practice. The sequence of poses are designed to create an internal heat within your body, and you will sweat more than you would in other types of yoga!

Hatha yoga

Hatha yoga is one of the most common styles of yoga practiced in the West. It is a gentle style that focuses on flexibility, balance and strength. Hatha Yoga poses are typically held for 5-10 breaths at a time and can be modified to accommodate different levels of experience. This type of yoga also emphasizes meditation as well as breathing techniques to reduce stress levels and increase overall health!

Yin yoga

Yin Yoga is a type of yoga that focuses on the connective tissues in your body. It is often used as part of a restorative practice to bring about deep relaxation and a sense of grounding. Yin Yoga poses are usually held for 3-5 minutes and can be performed while seated, kneeling or standing.

Restorative yoga

Restorative yoga is a type of yoga that focuses on relaxation. It often includes props like blocks, bolsters, and blankets to help you achieve optimal comfort. This style of yoga also encourages the use of breath work for deep relaxation. There are many benefits associated with this type of practice including stress relief, increased circulation, release from muscle tension and improved range of motion.

Prenatal yoga

Prenatal yoga is a type of yoga that is done during pregnancy. It helps to strengthen the muscles and improve flexibility, which are both important in providing relief from common discomforts associated with pregnancy. This type of yoga also provides an opportunity for pregnant women to connect with other mothers-to-be, share advice, and learn more about what they can expect as their due date approaches.

Anusara yoga

Anusara yoga is a type of vin yoga that focuses on the breath and how it connects to our energy flow. It was founded by John Friend in 1997, but has its roots in Hatha Yoga, which is an ancient form of yoga. Anusara means “flowing with grace” or “graciousness”. This type of vin yoga seeks to create an awareness and connection between body and mind through fluid movements that are done with grace and ease.

Iyengar yoga

Iyengar Yoga is a form of yoga that focuses on the alignment of your postures. It’s named after B.K.S Iyengar, who was an Indian yoga teacher and author who has written about this form of yoga extensively. The focus on how to achieve correct alignment with your body in order to maintain good health and improve posture distinguishes this type of practice from other forms of Yoga.

Kundalini yoga

Kundalini yoga is a form of yoga that originated in India and is known for its focus on the chakras. The practice is centered around meditation, chanting, and breathing techniques. It was created by Yogi Bhajan to help people find their spiritual side through their physical movements.

Ashtanga yoga

Ashtanga yoga is a form of Yoga that has been practiced for centuries. The word ashta means “eight” and anga means “limbs.” Ashtanga yoga can be translated to mean “union with the divine through eight limbs,” or alternatively, “the way of the spiritual seeker who know their goal.” This particular branch of Yoga focuses on postures, breathing techniques, and meditation.

Bikram yoga

Birkham Yoga is a type of yoga that focuses on mind-body awareness and breathing. It was specifically created for the growing population who has a difficult time with traditional meditation. Birkham Yoga incorporates deep breaths, relaxation, and gentle movements to help you get more in touch with your body.


Many different types of yoga exist and it can sometimes be a dilemma to choose a particular style. With the help of this article, one can easily figure out the right yoga practice. In this quick guide, we have outlined the most popular forms of yoga, along with their essential benefits, to make it easier for you to know where to begin.

So, hurry! Don’t waste your precious time anymore –