How Does Collagen Benefit Your Body

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There are many people out there who don’t know the benefits of collagen. Collagen is a protein that has been shown to help fight off diseases, promote healing and repair cells. It also works to improve skin hydration, elasticity and strength by keeping the body moisturized and healthy. So how does collagen benefit your body? Read on to find out!

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. This means that it’s in every part of your body, from the bones, the cartilage to the skin. It provides support for all these parts and helps keep them healthy. When collagen production starts declining or we don’t get enough protein intake from our diet, this can lead to chronic pain (such as lower back pain).

What you will learn

How does collagen benefit your body?

  •  keeps our joints flexible and strong
  • helps tissue repair after injury or surgery
  • help with joint pain relief 
  • helps maintain healthy skin, hair, and nails.

When is the best time to take collagen?

The best time of day to take a collagen supplement is before bedtime because it needs 8 hours of sleep for maximum absorption.

Where can you find collagen?

Collagen is found in our food sources or supplements. 

Foods with collagen:

  • beef
  • bone broth
  • chicken breast
  • fish (salmon)
  • eggs
  • beans (chickpeas)
  • lentils
  • yogurt and cheese 


If you opt to take supplements , it is important to take a high-quality collagen supplement.

There are two types of supplements.

One type of supplement contains hydrolyzed collagen, which was already broken down into amino acids before being packaged and sold as a powder or pill form.

Another readily available option for people looking to increase their intake is gelatin capsules. 


Finally, if you want to look and feel your best even as the years go by, collagen can be a great addition to your diet. Collagen is found in high concentrations in our skin, bones, joints and other tissues that make up the human body. As we age and these important proteins break down or stop being produced at optimal levels, degenerative diseases may start affecting our health. By taking on this simple nutritional supplement, which provides us with all of these essential nutrients, you should notice significant improvements in both your physical appearance and quality of life! Are you ready for better overall health?Â