Many people have trouble maintaining a healthy thyroid. The thyroid is an important gland for regulating the body’s metabolism and growth. If your thyroid isn’t working properly, you’ll struggle to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. In this blog post we will give you some tips to maintain a healthy thyroid and lose weight.
What you will learn
Is your thyroid causing weight problems?
There are a number of symptoms you can watch for. If you have been gaining weight and experiencing difficulty losing weight, it might be time to check your thyroid levels. Other signs include feeling very cold or excessively hot at all times, having muscle weakness (especially in the arms), dry skin, brittle hair that falls out easily and trouble concentrating.
Your doctor can perform a simple blood test to determine if your thyroid levels are within the normal range.
If they’re not, there is hope! Your doctor can prescribe medication that will help regulate those pesky levels and get you on track with weight loss again. If it’s time for a check-up then make sure to add in this important test. If your thyroid is normal medically, but you’re still not losing weight and experiencing other symptoms, we recommend trying a new diet or exercise routine.
Overactive vs Underactive Thyroid
Signs of an Overactive Thyroid:
- Constantly being cold despite the heat
- Feeling restless and irritable all the time
- Difficulty concentrating on tasks at hand – especially those that one would consider simple
Signs of an Underactive thyroid:
- Exhaustion and lack of energy
- Constipation or diarrhea
If you’ve been experiencing any of these symptoms for a while now, it’s time to visit your doctor. Remember that there is no cure for thyroid disease, but the medication can get it back into balance which will help regulate weight.
Tips to maintain a healthy thyroid and lose weight
Get enough sleep
Sleep is important for many reasons, but it’s especially important for thyroid health. Good sleep can reduce the symptoms of an overactive thyroid. It has also be shown to boost metabolism and make you feel more alert. When you get sufficient sleep, it helps us maintain a healthy weight with better moods and sharper memory.
Eat a healthy diet with whole foods and plenty of vegetables
Eating a healthy diet can help your thyroid function better by following:
- A diet that is rich in whole foods provides the body with all of the nutrients it needs, vitamins and minerals to help maintain a healthy weight.
- Eating vegetables: they are packed with antioxidants which will fight inflammation and free radicals while supporting your immune system for an overall healthier you!
Exercise regularly
- Physical activity has been found to be one of the most effective ways for maintaining a healthy weight.
- It can also help reduce symptoms and prevent overactive thyroid
- Exercise is recommended at least 30 minutes five days per week (always consult with your physician before starting any type of exercise regimen)
Take your medications as prescribed by your doctor, including thyroid medication
Avoid alcohol consumption and smoking cigarettes
- Alcohol and cigarettes use have been found to be dangerous for those with overactive thyroid.
- Alcohol can increase the amount of free radicals in your system, which may cause damage and inflammation.
- Cigarette smoke contains a substance called thiocyanate which is believed to inhibit how TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) regulates the thyroxine.
Reduce stress in your life through meditation or yoga classes
Everyone has stress in their lives. If your thyroid is overactive, you may have a greater response to stress.
- Meditation and yoga can help reduce the amount of stress in your life by teaching you how to calm down when faced with stressful situations.
- Mindfulness meditation has also been shown to strengthen the immune system.
In order to maintain a healthy thyroid, you should always eat foods that are low in sugar and high in protein. You can also try taking supplements like selenium or vitamin D3. If your goal is weight loss, then avoid processed sugars and refined grains while consuming more vegetables with each meal. It’s never too late to make these changes for better health!