Natural Ways to Help Acne

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Do you have acne? Are you tired of trying different face washes and treatments with no results? Acne is a very common skin condition that affects people of all ages, genders, and races. There are many different types of acne treatments, but some can be harsh on the skin or make it worse.
Natural remedies for acne include using tea tree oil, castor oil, and apple cider vinegar, and more. It’s important to remember that what works for one person may not work for another so don’t give up if something doesn’t seem to be working at first!  In this article, we will discuss the natural ways to help acne.

What you will learn

What is acne and how does it happen?

Acne is a skin condition that affects the oil glands in your skin. It’s caused by dead cells and bacteria clogging up pores, which can lead to pimples and cysts.  Cystic acne often comes with intense pain because of deep inflammation from below the surface of the skin. Bacteria can also infect wounds left untreated and when left untreated, acne can lead to scarring.  It’s important that you protect your skin from the sun because it can make those scars more noticeable and worsen acne conditions due to photosensitivity. The most common type of birth control pills also causes breakouts for some people, so if this is a concern then speak with your doctor about alternative solutions.

Acne myths

There are myths about acne and how to rid it, but some of them are true.  For instance, pimples and cysts can develop anywhere on the body so using certain facial cleansers won’t help you with back acne or other areas that need treatment. It’s also not a good idea to pop your own zits because this leaves behind bacteria.


Here are some natural ways to help acne

There are many ways to clear acne naturally and they are all worth considering:


  • Use water to clean the skin and this will not lead to dehydrated or oily skin, but rather a healthy glow that is more attractive. This can be done with steam from a hot shower or by soaking in an Epsom salt bath at night which helps soothe the acne too.


  • Use vegetables on your skin instead of harsh chemicals. One study found that the peel from potato can help clear acne and reduce inflammation on your skin, so give it a try!
  • Cucumbers can also be used in place of a chemical exfoliant, and they are gentle on the skin so you can use them more regularly.
  • Try to eat broccoli every day because it’s rich in vitamin A which helps balance hormones while also helping acne go away.

Tea Tree Oil

  • Consider using natural oils like those made from lavender or tea tree to keep bacteria away while moisturizing the skin with healing properties.

Witch Hazel

  • Witch hazel is not just for the face. It also has properties that can help clear acne on your body. It is from a plant and it is applied in the same way as you would put on a toner.

Click here to buy witch hazel

The Sun

  • Spend time outdoors and be sure to wear protection from sun damage which can lead to acne breakouts too!

Vitamin A

  • Vitamin A is essential for maintaining healthy skin. If you are low in this vitamin, it can lead to breakouts and inflammation which will make the acne worse. To reduce acne from developing, eat foods rich in Vitamin A like carrots or sweet potatoes daily!

Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Apple cider vinegar helps clear up acne by drying out the oils on your skin that are causing problems.

At Home Face Masks

  • Create a face mask with egg whites or honey to moisturize dry skin that is prone to become pimpled if left unaddressed.
  • If you have oily skin, then use something like baking soda mixed in water as the base of this mask.
  • Oatmeal has been proven to help acne. Make an oatmeal mask to soothe skin and reduce inflammation.

Blood Type Diet

  • Try the Blood Diet. Some foods you are consuming may be poisonous to your blood.

Castor Oil

  • Castor oil can help your acne-prone skin because it promotes rapid healing, reduces outbreaks, and helps to prevent future breakouts.

The benefits of using natural ways to help acne are that they are natural, so there is not a risk of side effects or any other adverse reactions to these treatments.

They also work on the root cause of acne and can be used in conjunction with prescribed medication.

Tips on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle that will help with preventing future breakouts are the following :

  • Find an outlet like yoga or meditation
  • Drink lots of water
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  • Include protein and whole grains
  • Avoid processed foods as much as possible
  • Cut out alcohol or limit it to occasional weekends only if you want to get your acne under control quicker
  • Avoid dairy products too unless they are organic.


Acne is a common skin condition that affects many people. If you’ve tried everything and nothing has worked for your acne, then it might be time to look into some natural ways to help acne. While not all of these will work for everyone with acne problems, there are plenty of ways to try out that should help clear up any current breakouts or prevent future ones from forming! What have been the results after trying one (or more) of these natural tips? Let us know in the comments below!