How to Create a Workout Plan

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Making a workout plan doesn’t have to be hard. In fact, there are many steps that can make it much easier for you! This blog post is aimed at beginners who want to start working out but don’t know where to start. We will discuss 11 strategies to make a workout plan more successful and enjoyable.  Here is how to create a workout plan:

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What you will learn

11 strategies to make a workout plan

1. Create a realistic timeline

One of the most important things when planning your workouts is setting yourself up with realistic goals about how often you should work out each week or month. If you are just starting out, it’s usually best to start with 3-4 days per week, gradually increasing as your fitness level improves.

2. Make sure your workouts match what type of exercise you enjoy

If you enjoy going to the gym, it’s best that your workouts consist of exercises or activities you can do in a gym. If you like swimming, running outside, nature walks, yoga classes – those are all great ways to incorporate activity into your life and should be incorporated into your workout plan.

3. Pick a time of day that works for you.

If you work all day then you should choose early morning or evening. Pick a time that works for your schedule and make it consistent over the long term.

4. Make sure your workout clothes are ready to go

When you have your fitness gear staring at you from the closet, it makes getting your workout in easier.

5. Find a playlist that motivates you to workout

Music is very motivational and it can be used to help you achieve your goals.

6. Keep an exercise journal or log so you can track your progress

Journals that track your workout progress and your weight are motivating and can help you stay motivated.

Buy this fitness journal

7. Reward yourself with something small after each successful workout session

A reward could be something as small as a piece of chocolate or a new pair of workout shoes.

8. Make sure that your workouts don’t get stale

Pick an exercise routine and stick with it for five weeks, then pick another one so you have variety in your plan.

9) Get rid of any distractions in your house

Turn off TVs, phones, and computers. This can help you focus on your workout and get you in a better mood to work out.

10) Get a friend or family on board with the same goal.

When you know that someone else is counting on you, it can be a lot easier to stay focused.

11) Try not to set unrealistic expectations for yourself

If your goal is to lose ten pounds in two weeks, and this doesn’t happen, don’t beat yourself up about it.


The most important takeaway from these strategies is that there are no shortcuts to successful weight loss. You’ve got to put in the work and be committed if you want results, but with a little time and effort on your part, it’s possible for anyone at any fitness level to make their workout plan succeed.