Yoga Routine for Beginners

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Yoga is a spiritual and physical exercise that can be practiced by anyone, no matter their age or experience. It can also help with stress relief and relaxation. Yoga poses are known as āsana in Sanskrit, which means “seat” or “pose.” There are countless benefits to yoga: it improves flexibility, strengthens the body, helps relieve anxiety and depression, relieves insomnia-the list goes on. This blog post will cover some of the most basic poses for beginners who want to start practicing yoga!  It will also cover a yoga routine for beginners.

What you will learn

What is yoga?

Yoga is an ancient spiritual practice that’s been around since at least the early centuries of first century. It is thought to come from India, where it was made up for the pursuit of enlightenment or union with the divine. From a physical standpoint, yoga promotes flexibility in one’s joints and muscles by doing poses (known as āsanas).


How does yoga work?

Yoga works by strengthening and stretching the muscles in your body. When you do yoga, you improve strength while also improving flexibility.

How does one get started with yoga?

The best way to start practicing yoga is to find a class or teacher that suits what you’re looking for.

See the following yoga routine for beginners:

How to do a basic sun salutation

The sun salutation is a simple and beneficial yoga routine. The point of the sun salutation is to help you get your blood pumping, stretch your muscles, and give you that feeling of being healthy and alive. You don’t need any fancy equipment or clothing to do this workout; just a little space in front of you will do the trick!

  1. Stand with your feet together, hands at your side, and palms facing up
  2.  Inhale deeply through the nose while raising both arms over head
  3. Exhale fully through the mouth as you bend forward to touch toes or floor (depending on flexibility)
  4. Inhale deeply again as you raise back up to standing position
  5. Repeat steps 2-4 for a total of 12 breaths

Different poses that are easy for beginners

  • Downward-facing dog
  • Child’s pose
  • Cat/cow stretch
  • Warrior 1 pose
  • Warrior 2 pose
  • Bridge pose

Tips for getting started with your own routine at home or in the studio:

  • Start with poses that are easy for you, and work your way up
  • Incorporate a variety of different types of Yoga to avoid boredom or sticking to one type
  • Be mindful about what muscles you’re stretching in each pose. If the stretch is too intense, back out by bending the knee or using a chair for support until you have the strength to do the pose properly
  • Stay hydrated while practicing Yoga. Drink at least two cups of water before your practice, and a glass after each session
  • Stretch and cool down for five minutes when you’re done with your routine
  • Practice Yoga barefoot to protect your feet from injury on the floor mat


Start slowly and give yourself time to get used to the new movements. It’s best if you’re not doing anything strenuous for at least 24 hours before beginning a yoga routine, but once you have the basics down it can be done as part of an active lifestyle or as a stand-alone practice. Just make sure that your first few sessions are short so that you don’t feel too sore afterward!