Top 5 Benefits of Performing Yoga Regularly

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A very powerful quote states: “Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”-The Bhagavad Gita.  It is essential to Practice Yoga daily to achieve your best body and mind-set. There is no denying that: “yoga is a light which once lit will never dim, the better your practice the brighter your flame.” -B.K. S Iyengar.  Let’s discuss the top 5 benefits of performing yoga regularly.

What you will learn

What Exactly is Yoga?

Yoga is an ancient divine practice based on science that focuses on bringing harmony between the body & the mind. It is often considered as an art to achieving a healthy living style. It incorporates meditation, which is beneficial for both your mental & physical health. This word is mainly derived from the word “yuj” meaning “to join” or “to unite.”

Yoga for Everyone: Tips on How You Can Easily Practice Yoga at Home

Have a busy schedule? Don’t have much time?

Relax, don’t worry! There is no rule. It is all simple & quick! It’s not going to take you much time either-

Create a Comfortable Space

Since this is something that you are going to do for peace of mind, you must choose a quiet & comfortable place (away from your children, pets, husband, partner, etc.). Try and find a spot where you feel positive and most relaxed. All you need is to ensure that your yoga space is neat & clean. Moreover, creating the best place for yourself will help you concentrate more.

Warm-Up Before Doing Intense Yoga Postures

Before you begin to perform major yoga postures, your body needs to be warmed up first. Start by doing a few stretches to promote flexibility, or you can also follow some YouTube videos on how to begin this journey.

Be Consistent

Don’t feel discouraged if your fist experience is a bad one.  As a beginner, try simple and easy poses. It is essential to practice regularly for a long-term result. Making it a part of your daily routine will help your body become addicted.  Set a time of day and stick to it, whether it is 15 minutes in the morning before everyone is awake, or at lunch, or late at night.

Now, you must be thinking, why is doing yoga that important? Daily yoga practice not only helps you stay healthy, but it also helps you become more productive & happier throughout your day. Well, here are the top reasons why you should invite yoga into your everyday life.

Not able to give 2 hours for a yoga session? No need for that!

A simple and effective 10–15-minute session daily is sufficient for your body! We do so much in a day, it is important to give ourselves just a few minutes! Why…-


Top 5 Benefits of Practicing Yoga Regularly

  • Promotes weight loss.
  • Makes you happier by building a healthy lifestyle.
  • Relieves stress & anxiety.
  • Improves heart health.
  • Helps you sleep better.

Here are the top 5 benefits of performing yoga regularly…

Promotes weight loss: Various yoga poses strengthen and lengthen your muscles.  Improved strength is first and foremost benefit of yoga. Slow movements and deep breathing increases blood flow. It eventually helps muscles to build strength and boosts immunity. In addition to this, it helps to relief back pain.

Makes you happier by building a healthy lifestyle: Feeling low? Who doesn’t want to be joyful in life? In this hectic life schedule when nobody has that much time, you can simply be happy by devoting at least 10-15 minutes each day for yourself.  Yoga plays a vital role for greater levels of happiness and better immune function.

Relieves stress & anxiety: The next major benefit of yoga is that it helps alleviate stress levels in your life! Interestingly, according to various studies, women above the age of 30 start dealing with issues like severe anxiety, panic attacks, unbalanced thyroid, or stress disorders. Clearly, spending little time on yoga each day can reduce symptoms of anxiety.

Improves heart health: Regular yoga performance may diminish levels of stress and ultimately contribute to healthier hearts! It also solves your digestive problems too. With the right postures and exercise, you can easily boost your heart rate. It also improves your maximum intake of oxygen during the entire session.

Helps you sleep better: Research says that a consistent quality yoga routine can help you get in the right direction. A healthy lifestyle matters and who does not want to fall asleep with a relaxed mind. If done right, a good yoga practice can help you sleep deeper.  It can take you away from the hustle & bustle of this busy life.

Some Additional Perks of Doing Yoga Regularly Are –

  • Brings more energy.
  • Helps you focus.
  • Balances your blood sugar levels.
  • Maintains your nervous system.
  • Gives you peace of mind.
  • Improves sex drive.

The Bottom Line

Here it is! In a nutshell, it can be concluded that the longest journey of any person is the journey inward. Hopefully, you are now motivated by knowing the top 5 benefits of performing yoga regularly.

Don’t you want to be fit and healthy at this stage in your life? What are you waiting for?

In this hectic life – take some time for yourself! Don’t miss the moments for you!

Let’s begin your journey towards a better living!

Thanks for reading!

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