How Can Yoga Improve Your Sex Life?

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The internet is filled with information about everything yoga. Many people are wondering if yoga can promote a healthier sex life through its multiple benefits. Let’s take a deeper can yoga improve your sex life?

Many studies have been conducted on the effects of yoga. Since entering the northern hemisphere, yoga has just recently been proving its many benefits. There are millions of ways yoga helps the body, including diminishing stress, anxiety, exhaustion, and other health burdens on the body. There have been studies that dig deeper into the possible advantages in practicing yoga. It is no surprise that the body’s inflammatory responses are decreased, the hardwired genes that predispose people to stress are counteracted, fewer amounts of cortisol are released, and that a protein called phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase becomes inflamed, which helps brain cells to stay young and healthy. But…what are the advantages when it comes down to the bedroom?? Many people claim that exercise is a way to experience the release of pleasure chemicals in the brain, thus causing a pleasurable outcome. Are there yoga poses that increase the desire for sex? How could yoga poses increase sex drive? We will glance into some findings and figure out what they say.

What you will learn

How can yoga improve your sex life?

  • Release tension
  • Body image
  • Hip opening
  • Cortisol levels

Release Tension

Dr. Lori Brotto , researcher at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at UBC authored an interesting study. Brotto showed that regular yoga practice increases our awareness and reduces our anxiousness, which decreases the sympathetic heart rate and contributes to a sense of relaxation and decreased sympathetic activity, relaxing down the body and slowing down the heart rate. Perhaps as well as slowing down specific bodily processes, the ECS often moderates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the portion of the nervous system that provides a break to the body, reducing the pulse rate. For these reasons, yoga can promote a higher sexual drive and lust for sexual intercourse because it releases tension and stress that many of us experience from our hectic daily lives.

Body Image

Feeling comfortable in your own skin is essential to feeling attractive.  Having a positive view of your body image is essential for a fulfilling sex life. After repeated yoga practices, the body becomes lean and toned. You reach your desired goals and feel better about yourself. As you do this, you begin to accept your new body and feel amazing cause…remember it’s not like 15 years ago when you were in high school wearing your skinny jeans. In time, you will start building confidence and muscle tone which will eventually make you appear and feel healthier.

Hip Opening

There are a variety of yoga poses (downward dog pose, frog pose, lizard pose, bound angle pose etc.) that target the pelvic region. The sacral charkra, which is located just below your belly button, focuses on sexuality. When regular hip opening exercises are performed, it can assist your body in clearing away the negative imbalances that may be resulting in emotional and sexual issues.

Lower Cortisol Levels

The most significant advantage of yoga is its proven potential to relieve tension, both in and out of the bedroom. Studies have found that practicing yoga can lower levels of cortisol in the body because when tension overloads the body, it can have several negative consequences. Reducing the amount of stress in your body can result in increased testosterone and lower cortisol levels, as cortisol is the stress hormone. For example: Cobra pose has proven to boost testosterone levels. “Yoga teaches you how to listen to your body and how to control your mind,” says Lauren Zoeller, a licensed yoga teacher and Whole Living Life Coach based in Nashville, Tennessee. Getting in contact with your dominant and your submissive needs will give you insight into how you interact with your partner and help your partnership become fulfilling.

We’ve talked about how yoga can improve your sex life.  What does the research say?

  • Yoga, initially created in India, is a type of exercise that has gained much prominence in the Americas for its soothing effect, exercise and healing benefits. A recent study showed that several women, who practiced regular yoga had better orgasms (reported by 55 percent) , sexual satisfaction (81 percent), increased arousal (77 percent and 62 percent).
  • One study proved that as astonishing as it is, 50% of the women who participated in yoga classes reported improved sex life.
  • In another interesting study, that incorporated 15 different yogic positions, ranging from more basic ones to more advanced… the repeated positions in-turn proved an increase in sexual function. Research in one nation followed over 40 women as they performed yoga for 12 weeks. After the participants had completed the weeks of yoga, many women did mention having much-improved sexual lives.
  • Another study, a range of people were asked to practiced yoga regularly. The results showed that a 12-week yoga routine caused a substantial rise in arousal and lubrication. As for the women who did not pursue yoga, no measurable improvement in arousal or lubrication was found.


So all in all…what are you waiting for???…Get on that mat!