Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding

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Breastfeeding is a natural and healthy way to feed your baby. Nowadays, many mothers are choosing to breastfeed because of the benefits that it can provide for both mother and child. One of the main benefits of breastfeeding is that it provides infants with antibodies from their mothers which protect them against infections. However, there are certain foods that should be avoided while breastfeeding due to their negative effects on your milk supply or on your baby’s digestive system. Let’s look at some foods to avoid while breastfeeding:

What you will learn

These are the foods to avoid while breastfeeding

Caffeinated Drinks

Caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, cola, or energy drinks should be limited or avoided. Consult your doctor before drinking any caffeinated drinks while breastfeeding. Some studies show that caffeine can decrease the amount of breast milk you produce, and some infants may be more prone to side effects from caffeine than adults.


You should avoid foods high in sugar content. This includes sugary drinks and candy, as well as cakes, cookies or other desserts that contain sugar. High levels of sugar can reduce the quality and quantity of your breast milk production, so limiting these types of foods is recommended while breastfeeding.

Fatty Foods

Fatty foods such as mayo have a negative effect on breast milk production. Today’s trend of very low-fat diets may have negative side effects for breastfeeding mothers as well, so the key is to choose healthy fats in moderation and avoid excessive intake of processed fats high in omega-sixes (such as hydrogenated oils).

Some Veggies

Some vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower should be avoided because they cause gas and indigestion in infants. Babies will likely become gassy and fussy after you eat these vegetables, so it’s best to avoid them while breastfeeding.


Salt causes water retention and can lead to breast engorgement due to the added fluids in the body. So avoiding salt is a good way of preventing this problem. The general rule with salt is that anything less than 200 mg per serving.

Uncooked Food

Undercooked foods should be avoided also. The bacteria in undercooked meat are not killed, and these can cause food poisoning for the baby if consumed.


Cheese and other dairy products due to the high levels of lactose in these foods can cause bloating, gas, and stomach cramps for both mother and child. You should wait three hours after drinking milk before breastfeeding again.

Spicy Food

Spicy food can be a bad idea because it can pass through your breastmilk and give a baby stomach cramps.


Raw onions are a no-no for breastfeeding moms because the enzymes in the onion can be passed to babies and cause their stomachs to become inflamed.

Fried Foods

Fried foods should also be avoided because they are extremely high in fat content which could lead to a fatty milk supply for your child.


Citrus fruits can cause your baby to develop diarrhea.


If you choose to eat these foods, cut down on the amount of milk your baby gets for an hour or two after eating it. This will allow some time for the food to digest and not be passed through breastmilk. But, avoiding these foods should help your body produce the milk your baby needs.  Eating a healthy balanced diet is best. Just remember, it’s not forever and it’s for a good reason.