A Simple Guide to Preparing for Breastfeeding

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Breastfeeding is a natural, beautiful thing. But it can also be overwhelming and difficult if you don’t know what to expect. You might wonder what you should do or buy before the baby arrives. The following guide will help answer these questions so that you feel confident in the journey ahead! Here is a simple guide to preparing for breastfeeding:

What you will learn

A Simple Guide to Preparing for Breastfeeding

Get a good pump

The best kind of breast pump for you is the one that suits your lifestyle and needs best. Choose between a manual pump, an electric or battery-operated breast pump, or a hospital-grade rental.

Manual pumps can be beneficial if you’re pumping for a short time or want to pump when you’re away from home.

An electric breast pump is more efficient, but requires an outlet and can be noisy.

A hospital-grade rental is the best of both worlds—it’s quiet, easy to use, ergonomic, and comfortable! But it may not be as affordable

Click here for a highly recommended pump!

Stock up on breast pads

Breast pads are a must-have for those leaky days. You’ll want to have plenty of these on hand, as they don’t last very long and can be pricey if you’re using them constantly.

There are many brands available for purchase—choose the one that works best with your lifestyle! You can buy disposable ones, or buy material pads.

Regardless of the kind you choose, it’s important to remember that breast milk could soak through them.

Some women opt for a leakproof bra which can double as protection during feeding time (you’ll want one with an opening in front).

Many people like using washable cloth pads instead of traditional disposables because it’s better for the earth and cheaper.

They’re reusable, washable, and can be used more than once. They also come in handy when you have a baby who is breastfeeding up to 12 times per day!

Buy nipple cream ahead of time

Buying a good nipple cream can make the difference between a great breastfeeding experience and one that’s painful.

It may be worth it to buy two types of nipple cream (one for before feedings, another for after)

A good nipple cream should not contain any fragrance or preservatives.

Learn about the different breastfeeding positions

This may seem weird to you now, but there really are different feeding positions you can try!

There are four popular ones: the cradle hold, football carry (using an arm), side-lying position, and cross-cradle.

It’s worth it to experiment with these positions while you’re pregnant so that when your baby arrives you’ll know which one is best for him or her.

Find out how to store your milk

Read about storing milk before the baby is here and then decide what containers you want to use.

Some of the more popular ones are glass bottles, plastic bags, or storage bottles that attach directly to your breast pump.

It’s important for milk to be stored correctly so it can stay fresh and safe while in transit.

Rough them up

Rub a rough towel on your nipples after each shower and even ask your partner to do it sometimes. This will help toughen up the area where your baby will latch on.

You’re welcome!


When you think about what it takes to breastfeed, it can seem like a daunting task. The good news is that with the right preparation and tools, breastfeeding doesn’t have to be hard or painful at all! Remember to do what is best for you and your little family and don’t let anything stop you from enjoying this beautiful journey.