5 Ways to Get Fit When You Don’t Have Time

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Don’t have time to work out? You’re not alone. In today’s society, people are busier than ever before and it seems like there is never enough time in the day. Working all day at a desk and then coming home to take care of kids or pets can leave you feeling exhausted by the end of the night. It’s hard to find energy for anything else, including fitness! However, there are still ways that you can get fit without having much free time on your hands. Here are 5 ways to get fit when you don’t have time.

What you will learn

5 Ways to Get Fit When You Don’t Have Time

1. Take the stairs instead of the elevator

The first way to get fit when you don’t have any free time is by taking the stairs instead of the elevator. This can be done during a break at work while running errands or even just as part of your commute home from work. Taking the stairs will not only help give you an extra boost in elevation for health benefits but help you feel energized again.

2. Park your car farther away from work or school and walk the rest of the way.

This may seem silly, but it actually does help. And if you are the type of person who might be tempted to stop at a coffee shop on your way home, just remember that it is not worth sacrificing fitness for caffeine!

3. Get up early to exercise before you start your day.

This is a good tip if you are a decent morning person. If you’re not, try to get up an hour earlier than usual and do a quick workout before work. You’ll be surprised at how much more energized you feel all day long!

4. Plan ahead for healthy meals

Cook in bulk on weekends so you have food ready during your busy weeks. This is huge. If you have all your meals planned out for the week, you’ll need to think less about food. It’s a lot easier to choose healthy options when they’re already prepared!

There are many benefits of cooking in bulk on the weekends: You save time because you don’t have to cook every morning; it saves money by not going out as much and spending more; it also helps avoid fast food options by providing healthy, home-cooked meals.

5. Work out at home

Do a quick workout with a DVD or online workout video, even if it’s only 15 minutes. This is a great way to squeeze in some exercise when you don’t have time for something more extensive.

Exercise: As we age, our muscle mass decreases; this loss of muscle means that less energy is used during everyday activities like walking upstairs or carrying groceries. Strengthening muscles improves balance and reduces the risk of falls.

Do squats while you wait for something to boil, or chest presses against the kitchen counter when you are stirring a pot of pasta sauce. Do sit-ups while you wait for your child to finally fall asleep.


So, what are you waiting for? Get started on your fitness journey today. You don’t need to be a celebrity with an hour-long workout routine and personal trainer in order to stay healthy! There is always time for some form of exercise – even if it’s just 10 minutes here or there. We hope these five tips have been helpful in getting started on your fitness journey.