What To Avoid For Weight Loss

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It’s not easy to lose weight and keep it off. In fact, many people are so desperate to get the scale moving in the right direction that they end up making some pretty bad decisions along the way. This blog post is going to talk about what to avoid for weight loss.  We will talk about 5 things to avoid.  This includes a few things you might not have considered before!

What you will learn

What to avoid for weight loss: 5 Things to Avoid

1.Don’t restrict too many foods

  • If you’re not getting the nutrients your body needs to function properly, it’s going to be really hard for you to lose weight. A study from the University of Illinois found that people who were on a low-calorie diet but weren’t getting enough nutrients still gained weight. Especially if you’re eating fewer carbs or sugars, it’s important to get the vitamins and minerals from other sources like vegetables and fruit!  Read about how to maintain a balanced diet.

2.Don’t drink juice

  • May people think juice is healthy because it has fruit and vegetables, but juice is just as bad for your weight loss goals. Juice doesn’t have the fiber to fill you up like whole fruit or vegetable does and there’s also more sugar in it than most people realize. A lot of store-bought juices are so full of sugars that they’re almost worse than soda!
  • If I want something sweet, then instead of drinking juice, I can eat an apple with almond butter that has both protein and fat – perfect if you need some energy after a workout!

3.Don’t use a scale too often

  • This might sound like a strange tip, but you don’t need to weigh yourself every day! Having too much information about your weight can actually be counterproductive. A study from the International Journal of Obesity found that people who weighed themselves daily were more likely to have higher BMIs and lower levels of self-esteem than those who weighed less often or not at all.
  • I recommend weighing once per week so that if there’s any change in your weight it will stand out!
  • You should also measure other things like waist size, clothes sizes, etc. instead of just looking for changes on the scale because they’re easy measurements (and measurements are what matter when trying to lose weight)using a scale

4.Don’t deprive yourself of things you love

  • It sounds counterintuitive, but when you’re depriving yourself of the foods you love it’s so much harder to stay motivated and on track. Oftentimes, people will start bingeing or restricting food even more, making weight loss really difficult in general.
  • What I do is: If I want chocolate for dessert there are some things that I need to do before indulging. I will eat a healthy dinner (like salmon with quinoa) and follow an exercise earlier in the day so that my body is primed to use up those calories!

5.Don’t skip meals

  • Skipping a meal can cause you to overeat later on in the day. It also slows down your metabolism, making it even more difficult for your body to burn off those extra calories sitting around inside of you.
  • Even if I’m really busy or don’t feel like cooking, there’s always room for some fruit, yogurt, or veggies. You should eat every three hours even if there is no time – this will keep your weight loss efforts on track!
  • A study from the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that skipping a meal led to overeating later on, which means it’s not just about the number of calories you eat but how those calories are spaced out throughout your day.
  • This is what I use for meal prep for workdays: A reusable snack box!!


The best way for me to keep my weight in check is by keeping things simple and consistent – I don’t have time or money for anything more intense than this! Eating healthy food has also helped my body reset itself so now when I’m trying new foods they no longer make me feel like garbage right away. It took some getting used to at first, but I think all in all these tips will help you and your weight loss efforts stay as successful as possible!

If you’re trying to lose weight, don’t do these 5 things. Remember that it’s not a diet, but a lifestyle change, and the best thing for your body is eating healthy food in moderation. Make sure you get enough protein or eat more lean meats like chicken breast instead of fatty cuts of meat such as pork. And try cutting out processed foods too – they are high in sugar, sodium, and fat which all lead to obesity! So what can you do? Stay positive and keep trying.