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women lifting weights

Lifting Weights For Weight Loss

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When you think of lifting weights, what comes to mind? Some people might imagine a man in a gym with huge muscles. Women usually don’t want to lift weights because they are afraid it will make them bulky and muscular. The truth is that lifting weights for weight loss can happen.  It has many benefits, including increased strength and muscle tone!

What you will learn

Benefits of lifting weights for weight loss

Girls need to start lifting weights because they have a higher percentage of body fat than boys. This means that there is less muscle tissue for the body weight and more calories needed just to maintain their bodies. The key benefit from losing weight would be feeling better about oneself, which can lead to improved self-esteem while also improving moods or mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. Weightlifting has been proven to increase metabolism by up to 15%. However, due in part to widespread ignorance about proper form when it comes to weightlifting (including fears over bulking muscles) girls are typically not getting enough strength training!

female lifting a weight

Tips for lifting weights for weight loss

  • The best exercises when starting out are squats, lunges, push-ups, and sit-ups.
  • You should work out a minimum of three times per week to see results!
  • The best time of day to lift weights is either early in the morning or late at night when your energy levels are highest.
  • Keep a journal of what you do each day as well as how much weight you lift so that you can track progress.
  • Make sure not to work out with weights more than three times per week and always give yourself 48 hours between sessions!
  • If possible, ask another person who has experience using weights before lifting on your own – especially if they have been able to see results from their workouts. Lifting is one thing that doesn’t require too many resources, but having someone there who’s experienced will make all the difference.
  • The best time to start is now because you’re already motivated to do something about your weight – so get going !!!
  • The best type and size of weights to use are circular, adjustable weights in a range of at least two to ten pounds.
  • Do not ever stop doing squats and lunges! These exercises work your entire body from head to toe and promote health on many levels.
  • Warm-up for five minutes before you exercise – this warms the blood vessels, nerves, and muscles which will help prevent injury during weightlifting.
  • Never go too heavy or push yourself past what you can handle without proper guidance from a trainer !!! Exercising too hard may do more harm than good !!!!!!
  • The key is consistency over intensity !!

The benefits of weight lifting for losing weight are:

  • increase muscle mass
  • boosts metabolism
  • builds bone density
  • strengthens joints
  • prevents sarcopenia (the loss of muscle mass that typically happens with age)

How to stay motivated when it feels like all of your hard work isn’t paying off:

The best way to stay motivated is by setting goals for yourself !!!

So every week, you should set one goal that’s a little more difficult than the last. Once you accomplish your weekly goal, then set another!

Also, make sure to reward yourself when you hit your milestones, and don’t forget to keep track of all the hard work it took just to get there in order to remind yourself how important this journey really is. This process can be a lot easier if you write out what motivates you?

Are you looking for something specific or general? I have some examples below:

-I want my butt back !!

-A long term change in lifestyle because I’m tired of feeling sick

Weightlifting for seniors

Strength training is important for seniors to stay in shape and independent!

Here are some tips:

  • Set goals that are achievable
  • Keep records of what you’re doing
  • Acknowledge your progress, don’t forget about it.
  • Reward yourself when you hit milestones.
  • Write out what motivates YOU:)
  • If you get discouraged or frustrated, try some deep breathing, listen to a motivational video on YouTube or talk with someone who has been there before!
  • The more support the better- so surround yourself with those who want the best for you!!


How many pounds can you lose by working a few exercises with weights?

Weightlifting is about improving your body composition- you will lose fat and gain muscle.

This won’t lead to quick weight loss, but it will help maintain a healthy lifestyle!

What are the weight loss benefits of lifting weights?

Lifting weights will help you maintain your weight and avoid gaining unnecessary pounds.

It’s also a great way to develop lean muscle that boosts metabolism, which is the best form of calorie burning!

How can women lift weights while pregnant?

The safest approach for pregnant ladies would be strength training with light-moderate intensity using free weights or machines at the gym (NOT squats). You should notify your doctor before starting any new physical activity during pregnancy. If possible, it may be helpful to work out next to someone who knows what they’re doing so they can spot you when needed.

What are some exercises I could do with my body weight alone?

If you have access to an exercise mat, there are plenty of exercises you can do. Crunches, push-ups, and planks are all effective exercises.  A strength yoga practice is also a good idea.

What to do if your muscles feel sore after a workout?

Muscle soreness after a workout is normal, but it shouldn’t be too bad. You should feel satisfied and energized by your post-workout glow.

It’s very important to have rest days between intense workouts. If you don’t, your muscles will become overworked and be unable to perform well due to the lack of recovery time.

What are some benefits of weight lifting for women?

Weightlifting can help with bone density as we age, improve moods by releasing endorphins after a workout session, increase fat loss in conjunction with other exercises while also building muscle mass that is often lost during weight-loss efforts. Weight training helps keep everything tight so it’s not just about bulging biceps but maintaining the health of our joints too!

What should I eat before my workout?

A protein shake or meal to give yourself energy prior to working out gives us more power for lifts which may result in better performance.


If you are looking for a way to not only lose weight but also build muscle and improve your physical health while doing it, then lifting weights is the perfect solution. It’s important that those who want to get started with this fitness regimen know what they are getting into before starting so they can be best prepared physically and mentally. We hope these tips will give you some insight on how to lift properly as well as what type of workout routine might work best for you!

Check these perfect weights out.

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