How to Maximize the Caloric Burn in Your Hot Yoga Class

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What you will learn

What is hot yoga?

Hot yoga is a type of exercise that has recently become very popular. It involves doing different poses in hot rooms, which are heated up to 40 degrees Celsius or 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Are you wondering how to maximize the caloric burn in your hot yoga class?

The exercises done in this type of class not only strengthen the muscles, but also help with weight loss. The heat can help you burn more calories and have an increased heart rate, which will allow your body to work harder and lose weight quicker than normal. In this blog post, I am going to discuss why people should do hot yoga and how it can be beneficial for them if they are trying to lose weight.

How does hot yoga burn so many calories?

Hot yoga is more than a workout. It’s an experience that has many benefits such as weight loss, increased energy levels, and clearer skin. Can hot yoga help you lose belly fat? Hot Yoga can work to firm your abdominal muscles while also increasing the production of endorphins.   This can lower stress and make  us feel better about ourselves. There are ways to maximize calorie-burning during a hot yoga practice.

How to Maximize the Caloric Burn in Your Hot Yoga Class

Let’s look at the ways below:

1. Drink lots of water before class

It is super important to drink lots of water before class to stay hydrated. Drinking water before class can keep you from feeling sluggish and dehydrating during the practice.  The added heat will make it more difficult for your body to work hard so give it some H2O.

The heat of yoga makes people sweat, but if they don’t drink enough fluids then their bodies won’t be able to maintain optimal performance levels.

2. Wear light, breathable clothing

Wearing light clothing during a hot yoga class is important because it helps to keep you cool. Cotton is usually not a good option during hot yoga, as cotton takes up lots of water and will soak your sweat. Polyester is great at absorbing moisture because of its synthetic materials.

Wearing polyester pants and tops will keep you cool and dry.

3. Bring a towel and a bottle of water with you to the studio

Bringing a towel and bottle of water to the hot yoga class is key because it will help you stay hydrated and cool.

You can use your towel to wipe down sweat from not only the face but also arms or legs as well. Having a water bottle is important because it helps keep us refreshed during a hot class.  Many classes have no breaks in between poses. It is no good to get too dehydrating before our next pose starts up again.

4. Take breaks

Taking breaks in between poses is important because it allows us to deeply breathe and stretch our muscles.

While the class might be challenging for some, we need these moments of rest so that we are not too exhausted after a long session on asanas (poses). This will also help cleanse out any toxins or impurities from your body.

5. Focus on your form

Being aware of your form helps execute the poses without dealing with any pain or stress on our joints and muscles. Sometimes too much stress on joints can eventually lead to injury, especially if not done properly during an intense class like this one.


As you can see- it’s important to be prepared and ready for these more intense types of classes. You should test your body out with these tips and until then- Namaste. 🙂   I hope this has been helpful and informative as we continue our journey of hot yoga together.