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How To Maintain a Balanced Diet

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The average person is a victim of the food industry. They are constantly bombarded with advertisements for high calorie, low nutrient foods that cause weight gain and health issues. It’s no wonder why obesity rates have quadrupled in the last few decades! Are you looking for how to maintain a balanced diet? Here is a quick guide that you should try-

What you will learn

How to maintain a balanced diet 

Fill your plate with fruits and vegetables

Choose healthy green vegetables along with other nutritious foods for your meals. Add fruit to meals as part of main or extra dishes or as a dessert. The healthier you make your plate; the more likely you are to get these vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Choose essential grains 

The very first step is to switch from a refined-grain food to a whole-grain food. For example, you should always choose whole-wheat bread instead of white bread. Look for things like: “whole wheat,” “brown rice,” “oatmeal,” “oats,” or “wild rice.”

Switch to fat-free or low-fat milk

Fat-free or low-fat milk have the same amount of calcium and other essential nutrients!  Whole milk, along with fewer calories and less saturated fat, is really beneficial for you. Choose a variety of lean protein that includes red meat, poultry, and seafood, dry beans or peas, eggs, nuts, and seeds.

Be aware of the amount of sodium in foods

To make sure, one thing you can do is read the nutrition facts label to choose lower sodium versions of foods like soup, bread, and frozen meals. In addition to this, try drinking water instead of sugary drinks.  Water will keep your body hydrated. If you want to add flavor to your water, you can  add a slice of lemon, lime, apple or fresh herbs like mint or basil.

Eat seafood

Seafood has a lot of protein, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. Adults should try to eat at least eight ounces a week of a variety of seafoods. Even children can eat smaller amounts of seafood. Seafood includes fish such as salmon, tuna, and trout and shellfish such as crab, mussels, and oysters. Control your solid fat intake.

Types of food that you should avoid: cakes, cookies, and other desserts that you need to cut out and control. To maintain your healthy eating habits, try following tips given in this article and you will definitely see the change.

Make Notes:

  • Mix veggies into your everyday meals. Swap meat for peppers and mushrooms in your tacos or try veggie pasta instead of grain pasta.
  • Eat fresh fruits and veggies every morning. Watch for sodium in canned veggies and fruit packed in water instead of syrup.

Prepare Healthy Snacks

  • Children should know the difference between everyday snacks such as fruits and veggies and cookies and sweets.
  •  Try to include veggies like carrots, peppers, or orange slices in their meal.

Reduce Fat, Salt, and Sugar

  • When eating out, always choose baked or grilled food instead of fried.
  • Make water your go-to drink instead of soda or sweetened beverages.
  • Always read labels on packaged ingredients.
  • Reduce amounts of extra salt in your food.


Follow these healthy tips if you want a good maintained & balanced diet throughout your lifetime.

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