Celery Juicing For Weight Loss

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Celery is a low-calorie food that has many health benefits. However, it can be difficult to consume enough celery in one day to see any of the health benefits that it provides. One way to get around this problem is by juicing celery. Juicing will extract the juice from all of the vegetables within the vegetable and allow you to ingest more nutrients without increasing your caloric intake. Our website explains all about celery juicing for weight loss.

What you will learn

Why celery is good for you?

Celery is an excellent natural source of sodium, Vitamin A, and calcium. These nutrients help to support the body’s immune system as well as maintain healthy blood pressure levels. Celery is also a very low-calorie food that has only about six calories in each stalk!

How to juice a whole head of celery

Cut a celery stalk in the middle. Place both ends of the stalk into your juicer and let it do its work! You will be left with a fresh, clean glass of juice that is perfect to drink or add to any meal. If you don’t have a juicer at home, there are many places you can purchase one online.

This is our fav blender for juicing.

What should I mix my celery juice with?

Celery has an earthy taste which may not be appealing to everyone so adding other ingredients might make it more palatable while still providing some additional health benefits. Some great ingredients to add to this juice is apple, lemon, and ginger.

How many glasses of celery juice should I drink a day?

It is recommended that you consume up to 16 ounces of juice per day due to its detoxifying properties. This will help with weight loss as well! Drinking this amount every day for three weeks has been shown to cause at least four pounds in weight loss over time, while also improving blood sugar levels. Additionally, it can improve your skin by reducing inflammation and swelling in joints which might be caused by other factors such as acidity or caffeine intake.

10 benefits of drinking celery juice

  1. Celery contains a high amount of water, which will help to hydrate your body. Hydrating your body will help detoxify your system, resulting in better skin and more efficient weight loss.
  2. Celery is low in calories and fat, making it an ideal food for weight loss.
  3. There are many vitamins and minerals in celery that are essential for the human body’s function – these include vitamin A, C, K, potassium, and sodium. These vitamins will help with weight loss, as they help the body digest food and regulate blood pressure. They also assist with muscle contraction, which is key for weight loss.celery juicing
  4. Celery juice can reduce stress levels by providing a boost of vitamin C that will help alleviate feelings of anxiety or depression – this will eliminate emotional eating and make you less likely to turn to unhealthy foods while in stressful situations.
  5. As celery contains sodium it acts as an appetite suppressant while maintaining hydration; meaning you’ll have more energy and won’t feel bloated from drinking lots of water! It also promotes weight loss because it helps you feel fuller without adding too many calories or fat into your diet. That means fewer cravings when trying to lose weight!
  6. It has been shown that celery juice can reduce blood pressure levels by up to seven points after just one week of consumption
  7. The natural sugars found in celery make this drink perfect as a substitute for sugary sodas like Coca-Cola or Pepsi Cola.
  8. It contains a lot of fiber, which helps move things along through the digestive tract.
  9. Celery juice is a natural diuretic, which means it will help flush out excess water from the body and reduce puffy under-eye bags!
  10. Through juicing celery you are detoxifying your liver by getting rid of toxins that build up in this organ as well as aiding digestion.

Other pros of celery juicing

  • It can also be used to treat respiratory congestion or lung issues like bronchitis because it acts as an expectorant – meaning it helps break down mucus so you’ll have clearer breathing all day long.
  • People who suffer from arthritis may alleviate their symptoms by consuming celery regularly; research suggests it has a high vitamin K content.  This is what makes this vegetable beneficial for those with joint pain.  Check out our blog on vitamin K. 
  • It contains antioxidants that can improve brain function and cardiovascular health. ·
  • Its high water content helps keep your skin hydrated by acting as a sponge for moisture.

Celery Juicing for Endometriosis

Studies show it helps with endometriosis symptoms such as pain, cramping, and heavy bleeding. Some doctors even recommend juicing celery for these symptoms due to the high levels of vitamin C, which is an important nutrient that helps keep inflammation low and supports immune function.  Check our blog for the best foods with endometriosis.

Cons of drinking celery juice?

It is not as effective at reducing weight over time without an additional diet change.  It is important to cut out fatty foods from one’s regular intake or increasing exercise frequency. Also, side effects associated with consuming too much sodium on top of what you already get through salt consumption. Some people do add extra salt to their food while cooking. This might lead to high blood pressure levels in long term.


I’m sure you’re looking for a quick and easy weight loss solution, so let’s get to the point. People use celery in their juicing recipes when they want to lose weight. You might be wondering if this can really help with your efforts at shedding pounds.  It turns out there are lots of reasons why celery could work well as part of an effective dieting program!