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What are the benefits of dark chocolate?

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Like many of you, I love chocolate. It’s a rare day that passes without me indulging in some dark chocolate. The problem is, most people don’t realize the benefits of eating dark chocolate.  Most people only eat milk or white chocolate, which unfortunately does not have as much to offer!

What you will learn

Dark Chocolate vs. Milk Chocolate

Amount of Cocoa

The difference between dark chocolate and milk chocolate is the amount of cocoa that’s in it. Milk chocolate contains a much lower percentage of cocoa.

Amount of Flavonoids and Antioxidants

For one thing, milk chocolate has less flavonoids and antioxidants than dark chocolate.

Flavonoids and antioxidants can help your body in many ways.   What do flavonoids and antioxidants do?

  • Improve your immune system;
  • Reduce the risk for heart disease or stroke;
  • Slow aging processes in cells.


Dark chocolate has more magnesium than milk chocolate, so it’s better for you too!

We know that dark chocolate is much better for you than milk chocolate, but what other benefits does it offer?

Let’s have a look at the benefits of dark chocolate:

Improves Immune System

This type of chocolate has higher antioxidant content than milk chocolate. Dark chocolate has more antioxidants and flavonoids, which may improve your immune system function and even slow down the aging process in cells.  What are flavonoids? Flavonoids are found in dark chocolate and other foods as well. They are plant pigments that give color to flowers, fruits, vegetables, leaves and tea.  These compounds can help boost your immune system by strengthening cells that fight infection and disease.

Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease

How can dark chocolate help your heart? Dark chocolate is rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats (healthy fat). These fats, like oleic acid ,and palmitoleic acid, can have a positive impact on your blood pressure levels.   This can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. There have been several studies that prove the lowered risk of cardiovascular disease.


A recent Harvard medical study showed some interesting results.   For instance, people who ate one to two ounces of dark chocolate every day, were about 30% less likely than non-chocolate eaters to die over a five year period.

Increases Cognitive Function

Eating a small amount can increase cognitive function, because it contains theobromine, a stimulant that can help your body produce more brain-boosting chemicals.

One study done by Harvard medical school was one of many studies conducted on dark chocolate that, undoubtedly, showed an increase in cognitive function when small amounts of chocolate were consumed.

Type-II Diabetes

Many studies have shown that eating just one ounce a day may reduce your chances for developing diabetes.

A study published in the Journal Diabetes Care was based on people with type II diabetes.   The participants (with type II diabetes) ate a little over one serving of dark chocolate each day (about 1.5 ounces).  The results showed their insulin sensitivity improved by almost 14%.

Improves Mood & Mental Health

A mood booster! Eating dark chocolate can help you feel happier. Some studies prove that it has been shown to help with emotional stability and improve moods.  Besides being delicious, it contains the compound phenylethylamine, which acts as a natural antidepressant.  This will leave you feeling happy for hours.


There is a big difference between eating milk chocolate and eating dark chocolate. Milk chocolate doesn’t contain many of the health benefits that we’ve discussed today. Finally, if you want to reap all the benefits, go for chocolate with more cocoa, and fewer dairy products. Nevertheless, it’s important to remember that moderation is key!

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