Prenatal Yoga for 2nd Trimester

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Prenatal Yoga is a great way to stay fit and relieve stress during your second trimester. It’s also a good way to connect with other pregnant women in your community.  You can find prenatal yoga classes at most gyms or studios, as well as online on websites like YouTube.  Many women experience uncomfortable side effects in their second trimester.  There are ways yoga can help with these.  Let’s have a look at prenatal yoga for 2nd trimester.

What you will learn

Prenatal Yoga for 2nd Trimester

How does yoga relieve back pain?

Yoga is a great way to relieve back pain in the second trimester. The best time to do prenatal yoga is during your pregnancy’s middle phase, which usually begins at 16 weeks and ends at 36 weeks. During this period of time, you’ll be less prone to injury because of the weight gain that has taken place so far. Be sure not to overdo it with exercise as this can lead to fatigue or dehydration; instead, focus on gentle movements and stretches. It’s important for pregnant women who are experiencing back pain in their second trimester to take care of themselves by practicing these simple exercises:

Child’s pose: Come to a kneeling position on the ground and find your edge of balance. Sit back as far you can onto either one leg or both legs, sitting down between them with butt near heels for support if needed; reach arms forward overhead towards mat in front then bend elbows so hands are under shoulders before lowering the upper body.

Cat-cow: On hands and knees, round your back up like a teddy bear then exhale; let the head hang heavy on the chin while bending at the waist so the spine is in a neutral position before rounding the stomach to look towards toes as you inhaling deeply.

Constipation problems during 2nd Trimester

What is constipation?

Constipation is when a person has to strain when they go number two, and oftentimes their stool is hard.

It’s not uncommon during the second trimester of pregnancy for constipation problems – it can be caused by hormone changes or simply from sitting too much on your bottom!  The good news? Constipated pregnant women can find relief.

The main causes of constipation in the 2nd trimester are mostly caused by hormone changes.

Hormones can decrease the amount of water in your intestines, and make it difficult for you to move stool through quickly enough – this is called slow transit constipation (STC). STCs are often caused by pregnancy hormones that relax muscles which allow more fluid into certain parts or all areas along intestine walls.

What are the best yoga poses for relieving constipation?

The absolute best yoga poses for relieving constipation are triangle pose, bridge posture, and supine angle (lying on your back).

Triangle Pose

1.Start by standing with your feet about hip-distance apart and your hands on the outsides of your hips.

2. Step one foot out to the side, then turn that same foot inwards so that it is next to the other leg’s outside knee.

3. Lean over towards the front leg, bending at both knees until you feel a stretch in your backside (you may need to bend forward more or less depending on how flexible you are).

4. Hold for 10 seconds before switching sides.

Bridge Pose

1. Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

2. Place a pillow under your lower back, just below the bra line.

3. Bring one leg up to rest along the other leg’s outer thigh, then bend both legs so that they are at right angles to each other.

4. Slowly lift hips off of the ground while keeping shoulders grounded.

Supine Angle Pose

1. Lay on your back with your knees bent.

2. Place a pillow under the small of your back to support it and make sure you are comfortable.

3. Bring one leg up straight, then bend the other knee so that both legs are pointing towards each other in opposite directions.

4. Keeping your feet together, bring them over to one side so they’re touching or close enough for comfort.

*If this is too difficult, place a pillow between your thighs and keep them as close together as possible

Nausea During Second Trimester

Some women experience nausea during their second trimester. Nausea can stem from many causes, including hormonal changes or eating habits.

Numerous women report that changing their diet and exercising regularly helps to ease nausea symptoms during the second trimester of pregnancy. This is often because these lifestyle modifications help regulate hormones in your body, as well as provide an opportunity for you to become more active which will also alleviate fatigue.

The best yoga poses to help with nausea during the second trimester are to lie on your back, bend one knee and focus the top of your foot onto a block. Place another pillow under your head to support it better.

If this is too difficult place an extra blanket so that it feels more comfortable for when we are doing breathing exercises or just focusing inwards.  Doing these poses will help with nausea.

Breathing exercises also help with nausea symptoms from pregnancy. The best breathing exercise for nausea is “Belly Breathing”.

If you are experiencing a lot of pressure in your chest, then it might be best to stay on all fours with knees and hands touching. It will help alleviate some symptoms that come along when having pregnancy-related heartburn such as feeling like something needs or wants out.

Heartburn Relief

It is very common for women to experience heartburn during their second trimester of pregnancy. Heartburn is when the acid from your stomach comes back up into the throat and mouth, this are called “acid indigestion”.

The best way to relieve heartburn during this stage in a woman’s life would be by drinking water because it will help dilute what you have eaten or drank beforehand.

The following poses can help alleviate heartburn symptoms:

  • Cat-Cow Pose (described above)
  • Bridge Pose (described above)
  • Legs up the wall pose:

1. Lay on your back and bring your feet up to the wall

2. Use a yoga mat or towel for comfort

3. Place your arms at your side, palms facing down

4. Relax into the pose and breathe deeply

*The information in this blog post is not a substitute for medical advice. If you experience any of these symptoms, please consult your doctor right away.*  It’s important to know that pregnancy-related heartburn can be very uncomfortable and people may use different remedies or have homeopathic treatments like peppermint oil capsules which are all safe during pregnancy.


As you can see yoga can greatly assist women during their second trimester.  Prenatal yoga for 2nd trimester is a great and safe way to stretch muscles, open the hips and distress.