Oregano Oil On Warts

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Oregano oil is one of the most popular natural remedies for warts. Research shows that it is effective in many cases when other treatments fail. The oil can be applied directly to the wart, or it can also be mixed with a carrier such as olive oil or coconut oil and then applied. This blog post will talk about oregano oil on warts, the benefits it offers, and tips for using it properly.

What you will learn

What is oregano oil?

Oregano oil is an essential oil that comes from the herb oregano, which is a member of the mint family. It can be used both internally and externally to help with warts.

It is proven to assist with many other conditions as well.

How does oregano oil work on warts?

Oregano works by promoting blood flow in the area where it’s applied, which helps get rid of dead skin cells that are blocking pores.

Because it’s a strong anti-inflammatory, oregano is also effective at battling the virus that causes warts.

Application of oregano oil

The best way to apply the oil is by mixing it with other oils. You can do this by using a carrier oil to dilute the oregano and then applying that mixture to the wart or in a bath.

olive oil

When applied topically, only apply diluted oregano oil directly to external warts because of its potential side effects if used improperly.

Carrier oils that can be added to dilute oregano are :

  • Olive oil
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Grapeseed Oil
  • Rosehip Seed Oil
  • Coconut oil

You can purchase rollers of oregano oil, which are mixed with a carrier oil, diluted, and are ready to use.

Here is one of the best brands to buy essential oils.

Apply oregano oil to the wart twice per day – morning and night

In about two weeks’ time, you should notice a significant improvement in the size of your wart or even complete removal!

Benefits of using oregano oil on warts

The benefit of using oregano oil on warts is that it is a natural, non-toxic way to remove warts. It also has many other properties that make it more appealing than mainstream wart removal methods like freezing, burning, or filing the wart away with acid-based treatments.

You can use it on all types of external skin growths including moles and cysts!

Oregano Oil is a non-toxic way to remove warts without pain!

Precautions of oregano oil

  • Apply the oil to the wart only and not to the surrounding skin.
  • When using oregano oil externally, be sure to apply it topically with a cotton swab or q-tip directly on individual warts.
  • Be careful not to put too much of the oil on one area because this may cause irritation or in rare cases an allergic reaction.
  • People who experience discomfort from external use of oregano oil should discontinue use immediately and consult their doctor for help identifying any allergies they may have developed, as well as more information about what type of treatment will work best for them.
  • Side effects of using oregano oil as an oral supplement:When ingested orally in high doses (above 900 mg per day), oregano may cause stomach upset, headache and nausea.  Some people are more sensitive to this herb’s active compounds called carvacrol terpenes. This rule applies when taking oregano internally for any reason.


We all know that oregano oil is a powerful antiseptic and antibiotic that helps to remove warts. Studies show that applying diluted oregano oil topically twice daily for three weeks will decrease wart size. One study even showed the complete elimination of plantar warts after treatment with this natural remedy! If you have been struggling with stubborn or difficult-to-reach warts, try diluting some fresh oregano leaf in olive oil and apply the mixture on your skin where your wart is located. You should see results within just a few days.  Hope you enjoyed reading about this natural remedy for warts.