The topic of bodyweight training has been gaining a lot of popularity in the last couple of years. This is because it’s an easy and efficient way to get in shape, without having to go through all the hassle of visiting the gym every day. Here are some great fitness at home ideas you can do with your own bodyweight!

What you will learn
This is a great exercise for your thighs, butt, and abs. Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, then slowly lower yourself down into a squatting position. Make sure to keep your back straight and your head up. Hold the squat for a few seconds, then slowly raise yourself back up to the starting position. Repeat as many times as you can with this little fitness-at-home idea.
Click Here to see show us leg raises – wall squats –
Modification for squats:
If you find this exercise too difficult, try doing it with your back against a wall. This will help you stay in position and make the exercise easier.

A push-up is a great exercise for your chest and arms, among other things. Start by lying on the floor face down with your hands shoulder-width apart. Make sure that your feet are slightly behind your hips and then slowly raise yourself upwards until your elbows form a 90 degree. Yet another one of those great Fitness-at-Home Ideas.
Here is a link for the video from Tandy Gutierrez and her Modified Push-Up
Modification for push-ups:
If you find this exercise too difficult, try doing it with your knees on the floor. This will help reduce some of the weight that is being placed on your upper body.
Click here for the link to watch this video by LIVESTRONG.COM
Leg raises:
These are great exercises for strengthening and toning your abs. Start by lying face-up near to a wall or sturdy object so that when you raise your legs, you can place them on the wall. Slowly raise your legs until they are perpendicular to your upper body, then slowly lower them back down again. Repeat as many times as you feel comfortable with, making sure that while doing this exercise, you keep a straight back and neck throughout.
Modification for leg raises:
There are many different ways to do leg raises. Have a look at this video for another way to use a tree nearby if you can.
Watch the video on how to do a lunge by BOWFLEX
What does lunges mean?
This is a great Fitness at Home Ideas for your glutes and thighs.
The lunge is a great exercise for strengthening your legs and butt. To do this, you will need to stand up straight with your feet together and then take a large step back with one foot while bending both knees so that the front knee forms 90-degree angles. Make sure to keep your upper body upright during this movement and hold it for a couple seconds. Then step back up to the starting position and repeat with your other leg.
Click here to for the video link by The Live Fit Girl.
Modification for lunges:
If you want an easier version of this exercise, try doing it by placing one foot on a stair or sturdy object instead of taking a big step backward. This will reduce the amount of weight that is being placed on your legs.

Bodyweight exercise for shoulders:
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then slowly raise your arms out to the side until they are parallel with the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds, then lower them back down to the starting position. Repeat as many times as you feel comfortable with.
If you find this exercise too difficult, then try doing it with your back against a wall. This will reduce the amount of weight that is being placed on your shoulders and make it easier for you to do.
Have a look at this shoulder exercise with Caroline Girvan
Plier Squat:
This is a great exercise that works your entire body. To do this, you will need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and then squat down as if you are sitting in a chair. Make sure to keep your back straight and push through your heels to raise yourself back up to the starting position.
If you find this exercise too difficult, try doing it by holding onto something sturdy before squatting down.
Do a challenge and no one better than bogilates to provide the uplifting.
Bodyweight exercises for biceps
The following exercise is good for the biceps :
Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and then slowly raise one arm out in front of you until it is parallel with the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds, then lower it back down to the starting position. Repeat with your other arm.
This is an amazing workout by Caroline Girvan – enjoy.
If you find this exercise too difficult, you can try doing it with your back against a wall. This will help reduce the amount of weight that is being placed on your biceps and make the exercise easier for you to do.

The plank is a great exercise that works your entire core and some of the muscles in your legs as well. To do this, lie on an elevated surface with just your forearms supporting yourself (your elbows should be directly under your shoulders). Make sure to keep your back, neck, and legs in a straight line throughout the exercise. Hold this position for as long as you can.
Work on the stomach with emi wong with the plank workout
If it is too difficult for you, try modifying the plank by putting your knees on the ground instead of your feet. This will help take some of the weight off your core muscles.
How long should you do these exercises?
There is no definitive answer to this question. It really depends on your fitness level and how comfortable you feel doing these exercises. However, I would recommend starting with just a few reps of each exercise and gradually adding more as you get stronger. Remember, it’s always better to start off slow and increase the intensity over time.
Q: Can I do these exercises every day?
A: You can, but it’s important not to overdo it. Like with any other type of exercise, you should give your body time to rest and recover in between sessions.
Q: What if I don’t have any equipment?
A: That’s okay! These exercises can be done without any special equipment. You can use your own body weight as resistance.
Q: I’m not very fit, should I still try these exercises?
A: Yes! These exercises are a great way to start getting in shape and work up to more difficult exercises over time. They can also be modified to suit your fitness level and/or the equipment that you do have available.
Q: How to build big legs without squats?
A: There are a few different exercises that you can do to work your legs without squats. One example is the plier squat, which I mentioned earlier. You can also try lunges, calf raises, or donkey kicks. Just make sure to choose exercises that target the muscles in your legs specifically. And as always, start off slow and increase as time goes by.

These are some of the best exercises that you can do to help get in shape and lose weight. Remember, it’s always better to start off slowly with these kinds of workouts so that your body has time to adjust before increasing their intensity or duration. Hope you enjoyed reading our fitness at home ideas!
Check out one of our related posts right-and-wrong-technique-for-a-fitness-workout.
And just so you know, my favorite home exercise of them all is YOGA. I do it religiously every day. Here are some yoga posts we have. Enjoy!