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Face Yoga

Does Face Yoga Actually Work?

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Face yoga is a new trend in the world. It has been around for centuries, but only now has gained popularity due to its numerous advantages. Face yoga improves concentration and self-awareness by strengthening and relaxing your muscles through different facial expressions.  Does face yoga actually work?

To take advantage of face yoga’s positive effects all you need to do is perform simple exercises designed to activate specific muscles. Regular practice may not only make you more attractive but also improve your health.

What you will learn

Benefits of Face Yoga

Release Tension

Face yoga can help to reduce anxiety and relieve stress. It can calm the nervous system by relaxing the facial muscles, which in turn reduce the contraction of internal organs.

Tension in one part of the body can cause pain in other parts, which is why practicing face yoga exercises can help relieve tension from all over your body.

Stimulate Circulation

Facial exercises stimulate circulation and promote improved health. They increase blood supply to various facial areas, improving skin tone and texture.

Studies have shown that face yoga can increase circulation to the skin and relax certain facial muscles, which makes it an effective treatment for conditions such as acne and eczema.

Reduce Wrinkles

By performing face yoga regularly you may see fewer wrinkles on your face as it tightens up sagging skin and smooths out rough texture all over your face.

One study found that doing face yoga for just one minute per day reduced wrinkles by up to 80%.

How does face yoga work?

Face yoga works by stimulating the muscles of your face. The facial muscles are considered to be an extension of your brain and require a lot of energy.

Face Yoga Exercises

There are some basic face yoga techniques that can be found in most exercises.

  1. Chin Tuck: Tuck your chin in and then look up.
  2. Jaw pull: Draw your jaw back towards the ears as if you are trying to create a double chin using just jaw movement.
  3. Cheek lift: Wrinkle your nose as if you are smelling something unpleasant while keeping your mouth closed. This should create a slight smile on one side of your face, but make sure not to overdo it or you will have wrinkles going down from your eyes to the mouth instead of around them!
  4. The eyebrow raises: Raise your eyebrows as if you are surprised. This will help to strengthen the muscles on either side of your forehead, which is often associated with frown lines and wrinkles.
  5. The lip smile: Helps with wrinkles around the mouth, while the chin thrust helps to prevent wrinkles on your cheeks.

Tips for Exercises

  • Along with these basic facial exercises, there are also ways to make them more challenging and effective.   The exercise should be performed for 30 seconds to a minute each day and can be done in sets of 10-15 repetitions, or as many as you feel comfortable doing.
  • You may not have time for face yoga every single day, but try to fit it into your schedule when you can. Yoga is all about being mindful of your body and how you treat it, so even 10 minutes per week spent practicing face yoga will give you a positive result and help with creating balance within your muscles and energy levels.
  • It is important not to overwork yourself when first practicing because the muscles can become strained if they are not sufficiently strong.
  • You should follow your body and work at a pace it is comfortable with, in order for face yoga to be beneficial. If you practice too intensely or for too long of a period then you may experience temporary muscle pain and fatigue. To prevent this from happening, start out slowly by just doing one exercise per day until your body gets used to the movements and gradually increase the number of exercises done each day as well as duration.

Benefits Of Face Yoga For Women?

Some women find that having tighter skin around their jaw helps them to project confidence and feel more attractive. These women may experience improved self-esteem as they begin to practice regular facial exercises because it gives them a sense of control over their appearance. Face yoga for women can also help with signs of aging since tightening up loose skin on the face reduces wrinkles dramatically!


What Are The Benefits of Face Yoga For Men?

While male face yoga looks a bit different than female face yoga, it is just as effective! There are fewer signs of aging in men’s faces than there are in women’s so the exercises generally differ. However, with regular practice, even men can see noticeable improvements to their skin and jaw line that they could not achieve through any other type of exercise program. Face yoga for men will help strengthen the muscles in the jaw, allowing them to have more control over expressions and prevent age-related muscle sagging around their cheeks.

Can it create more wrinkles?

As long as you are practicing a face yoga exercise daily that is appropriate for your own physical strength and ability, it should not cause any new wrinkles! You should start with basic exercises to determine the right pace for you before gradually increasing the amount of time you spend on each movement.

How do I know if something is too strenuous?

If you experience pain in your muscles or have difficulty moving them then you may need to reduce the intensity of your workout.  Reduce until your musclues become used to this new routine of facial movements. These types of body aches are usually temporary unless there are other underlying medical conditions that need to be addressed by a doctor.

What type of results can I expect to see?

The results of face yoga are completely dependent on your own physicality. Practice regularly and you will see a big difference, but exercising sporadically will not yield any positive results whatsoever.

Do I need to use a face yoga set or can I do it on my own?

Start with a set that includes specific instructions for how each movement can be practiced correctly. If you do not have access to one there is nothing stopping you from doing facial exercises in front of a mirror.  Try practicing them until they feel comfortable and natural for your body.


The benefits of face yoga are endless!  It’s a great way to relax, reduce stress and anxiety while also boosting your self-esteem. I can’t wait to try some of these face yoga moves for myself.

Here’s a simple book to follow face yoga.

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